abnormality |

Alternative outline, not contraction |
ad valorem |
affidavit |
agriculture/agricultural |
agriculturist |

Full outlines required

agriculturalist agricultor |
antagonism/antagonist/antagonistic |
antitrinitarian |
applicable |
arbitrament* |
archbishop |
archbishopric |
archiepiscopacy |
architective* |
aristocratic/aristocracy |
astonish/astonished/astonishment |

Safe for the noun "astonishment". Ensure the En is written
clearly full length, to differentiate from "astound" |
astonishing |

astonishingly |
astringency* |
atonement* |

Contraction is the same as
(Theory 20 Suffixes page) |
aurora borealis |
auspicious |
auspiciously |
inauspicious |
inauspiciously |

bandstand |

Alternative outline, not contraction |
banknote |
Baptist/baptism |
rebaptise/rebaptised/rebaptism |
beforehand |

Alternative outline, not contraction
Using short form "hand" |
benevolence/benevolent |
benevolently |
benignant/benignity |
benignantly |
bondsman |

Compare with these full

bondman bondwoman bondmaid |
brotherhood |
burdensome |
burdensomeness |
overburdensome |

Using short form "over" |
businessman, businesswoman
Top of page |

Write the contraction clearly
through the line, so that it does not look like "busman" or "postman"
cabinet |
Calvinism |
captain |
captainship |

In the full outline, the Ish
is disjoined so that it does not look like the suffix "-cy":

captaincy |
casual |

Full outlines required for:

casually casuals
(= a type of shoe) |
Catholic |
Roman Catholic |
charter-party |
Hundreds |
chloroform |

Pronunciation of the first
vowel may vary |
Christian/Christianity |
house |

"Clearing" on its own
has dot ing, as per normal rules |
Cobdenism |
controversy/controversial |

The full outline for "ConTROversy" with the
accent on the second syllable would be above the line with a first place dash
"Controversialist" is a
full outline |
co-religionist |
cosmopolitanism |
counterclaim |

"Counter" on its own as per
normal rules:

counter |
covenant* |

Care needed with the Kay,
keeping it thin, as these outlines are
similar to govern
government |
declaration |
defendant |
delinquency |
delinquent |
democracy/democratic |
undemocratic |
depreciate/depreciated |
depreciatory |
Top of page |

Full outline required for:

descriptively |
dessertspoonful |

Keep the Ray short,
otherwise the contraction will look like
"disrespectful" |
development |

The dictionary outline for
the verb "develop" is in full only, but using the above
contraction for that word presents no problem |
dignify/dignified/dignity |

Full outline required for:

indignity |
undignified |

indignant below |
dilapidation |
discontentment* |

See also
(Contractions Main page) |
dissimilar |
divergency |

Pronunciation of the first
vowel may vary: "dyve-" or "divv- |
doctrine |
doctrinaire |
doctrinal |

Pronunciation of the
vowel may vary:
"doc-try-nal" |
drunkenness |
dyspepsia/dyspeptic Top of page |

The full version of
dyspepsia should always have the final diphone written in,
to differentiate from "dyspepsy"
Full outline required for:

dyspepsy |
ecclesiastically |

"Ecclesiastes" (Bible
book) is a full outline, but the contraction would be useful
for noting Bible reference numbers |
electron* |
electronic* |
embankment |
enthronement/enthronement |

Alternative outline, not contraction.
The first version seems to be
more reliable, as the second one is very similar to
"enthroning" which has the same meaning:

enthroning |
episcopal/episcopalian/episcopalianism |
Esperanto |
evangelical |

The pronunciation of the
first syllable may vary: "eev-" |
exchanger* |
expectation* |
expeditiously* |

Full outline required for "expeditious" |
extemporaneous |
extemporaneously |
extraordinary |
extraordinarily |
/extravagantly |
favourable/favorable |

Full outline required for

verbal verbally |
favourably/favorably |
finality |

Alternative outline, not contraction |
foundation-stone |
fugitive |
fulgency |

Pronunciation of the first
vowel may vary - when rhyming with "full", write the dash through the end of
the Eff and outline in 3rd position |
generation |

In phrasing, "J-Shun" can
also be used to signify "objection" |
degeneration |
regeneration |
ginger |
governor* |
vice-governor |
Using short
form |
Top of page |
grand-juror |

Ensure the two Rays are long
and clear, to prevent confusion with "grand-jury" |
grand-jury |

Advisable to insert
the final dot |
greatest |

Using the short form
"great" |
habeas corpus |
haphazard |

"haphazardly" is a full
outline, but using the contraction with a joined upward Ell
would work just as well |
harbinger |
henceforth* |

(Contractions Main page) |
thenceforth* |

(Contractions Main page) |
high-pressure Top of page |

Some older dictionaries retain the I diphthong after the Hay
on the contraction |
horticulture/horticultural |

Full outline required for:

horticultor |
horticulturist |
hypothecate/hypothecated |

The full outline for "hypothecate"
does not use a halved Kay because the angle with the Ith
would be insufficient for it to be clear |
imperialism |

See also Methodism
which is similar |
impregnable/impregnably |
indefatigable/indefatigably |
indescribable/indescribably |
indignant/indignation |

Compare undignified
above |
indignantly |
indiscriminate |
indiscriminately |

indoctrinate |
indoctrinated |
indoctrination |
inflationary |
disinflationary |
infinitesimal |
inspector-general |

Using short form "general". Full outline required for "inspector"
(Contractions Main page) |
insularity |

Alternative outline, not
contraction - dictionary is missing the initial dot on the
first version |
intelligencer* |
intelligential* |
intelligibility* |
intemperance |
ironmaster* |

See also
(Contractions Main page) |
ironmould* |

Alternative outline, not contraction |
journalism |
journalist |
journalistic |
Top of page |

Full outline required for
"jurisprudent" |
juxtaposition |

Full outline required for
"juxtapose" |
lance-corporal |

"Corporal" is the contracted
part, therefore "lance" keeps its vowel sign |
landmark |

Alternative intersection, not contraction |
life assurance |

The intersection for
"insurance" is En+Circle S |
locomotive |
longest |
longitude |

lordship |

Combination of short form "lord" and contracted suffix
"ship" |
machinery |
malignant/malignancy |

Full outline required for:

malignantly |
man-of-war |

melancholy |

Full outline required for:

melancholia |
merchantman |
sergeant-major |
Methodism |

See also "imperialism"
which is similar |
microscopic |
millionth |

Not recommended, although
given as above in the biggest dictionary. The stroke Em is used for
"million" when written with numerals, and you cannot add an
Ith because that is used for "thousand" |
mineralogy |
misdemeanour |
motherhood |
mother-of-pearl |
mythology |
neighbourhood/neighborhood |

Keep the halved BR stroke
short, so it does not look like "neighbour/neighbor" |
nitrogen |

Always insert the first vowel
in the outline for "antigen" and keep clearly above the line |
officer |
nonconformist |
nonconformity |
obnoxious |
obnoxiously |
obscurity |
observation |
orthodox/orthodoxy |
parallelogram |
parliamentarian* |
particularise |

The short form "particular"
is written above the line |
particularised |
particularising |
particularism |

Using short form "particular" |
percent Top of page |

The contraction is written
close to the preceding numeral. Full outline is used after a
preceding outline, whether that is a word or a number |
philanthropic/philanthropy |
philanthropist |
phonographer |
phonographic |

not recommended, as it could be confused with the similar outline “phonic” which
is now in use:

phonic |
phonography |
plenipotentiary |
possibility |
practitioner* |
preferential/preferentially |
"Preference" uses N Hook/Circle S |
Presbyterian/Presbyterianism |
preservation |
priesthood |

The full outline omits
the lightly-sounded T |
Privy Council |

Alternative intersection, not contraction |
projection* Top of page |
Protestantism |

The vowel sign for the "e" cannot be shown
in the vocalised outline, as there is nowhere to place it |
publican* |
pungency |
qualification |

Compare "cultivation"
which is similar and
best to insert the vowel through the Kay for clarity:

cultivation |
quarter |

Full outline required for:

See also
Numbers/quarter for a brief method when used with
numerals |
question* |

Full outline required for:

questioning questioningly |
question-mark |

Alternative intersection, not contraction |
quotation-marks |

Alternative intersection, not contraction |
recognizance |

The pronunciation can be
either "recog-" or
"recon-" and is related to the word recognise. The latter
pronunciation is identical to "reconnaissance" below:

recognise reconnoitre reconnaissance
recognizance = a legal obligation
reconnoitre reconnaissance = carry out a
preliminary geographical or military survey. |
referring |
reformation |

See also
reform (Contractions Main page) |
registrar |
religion |

Alternative short form, not contraction |
religious |

Alternative short form, not contraction |
religiously |

Alternative short form, not contraction |
repugnant/repugnance |
repugnantly |
Top of page |
resignation |
resurrection |
reverend |

The contraction is for
"reverend" but the full outline also represents "reverent" |
revivalism |
Saviour/saviour |


saver |
scornful |

scorn is written with Hook N |
scornfully |
scripture |

Alternative short form, not
contraction |
scriptural |
unscriptural |

The contraction is shown
incorrectly on the line in the 1974 dictionary |
antiscriptural |
search-party |

Alternative intersection, not
contraction |
ship-builder |
significancy |

The contraction is shown incorrectly through the line in the 1974
dictionary |
solicitor-general |

Using short form "general" |
stag-party |

Alternative intersection, not
contraction |
stenographer |
stenography |
stepping-stone |

"Stepping" on its own uses
dot ing |
stock-in-trade |

Using short form "trade" |
strongest |

Alternative outline, not
contraction. Unlike "longest", the dictionary shows a vowel
in both versions |
stumbling-block |
subjectivism |
subjectivity |
superscribe/superscribed |

subscribe/d on
Contractions Main page |
superscription |

on Contractions Main page |
surreptitious |
surreptitiously |
suspicious* |
suspiciously |
unsuspicious |
unsuspiciously Top of page |
tabernacle |
testatrix |
third-party |

Alternative intersection, not
contraction |
thumb-mark |

Alternative intersection, not
contraction |
tidemark |

Alternative intersection, not
contraction |
tinsmith |

In the full outline, note the Circle S is inside
the Em, as it belongs with that syllable. |
town-council |
townsman |

In the full outline, note the Circle S is inside
the En, as it belongs with that syllable. |
trademark |

Alternative intersection, not
Using short form "trade" |
transatlantic |
transform/transformed |
transformation |

Compare "transfer" which
omits the N:

transfer transferrer |
transformer |
transubstantiate/transubstantiation |

The full outline also omits
the N |
transubstantiated |

A Dee may be written to any
contraction or short form if felt necessary to increase
clarity, but this appears to be the only word where it is
part of the dictionary outline. Other contractions are
perfectly legible without it. Adding the stroke is not part of
normal theory (unlike Pitman 2000 which does use it
regularly). |
tribunal |
unconstitutional/unconstitutionally |
under-secretary |

Using short form "under" |
unfortunate |

Same outline as "phenomena" |
unfortunately |
phenomena |

Same outline as "unfortunate"
See also
(Contractions Main page) which is similar |
phenomenon |
Jack |
unionism |
unionist |
trades-unionism |

Using short form "trade"

trade-union trades-union

trade-unionism union
unrealizable |
urgency* |
utilitarianism |
vegetarian |
vegetarianism |
vice-chairman |
vice versa |

Alternative intersection, not contraction |

Alternative intersection, not contraction
The full outline uses the R
hook rather than Ray, in order to achieve a better join with
the Way. |
worthwhile |
youngest |

Using short form |
Top of page Placenames: |
Antarctic |
Birmingham |

British version: omits the H
US version: use Dot Hay
Ensure you keep the two Ems,
as in UK locals sometimes refer to their city as "Brum",
from "Brummagem" the alternative name used in that area. |
Great Britain |

Using short form "great" |
Jodrell Bank |

Alternative intersection, not
(=Jodrell Bank Astrophysics
Centre, UK) |
Johannesburg |

"Jo'burg" would be a full
outline |
San Francisco |

The abbreviation " 'Cisco "
would be just the last part of the full outline |
Liverpool |
Middlesex |
New York |
New York City |
Transylvania |
United Kingdom |

Use only when the words are
spoken in full |
States |

Use only when the words are
spoken in full |
of America |

Use only when the words are
spoken in full
The full outline phrase omits "of" |