eastward seaward |
eatable edible |
Edinburgh Dunbar |
"Edinburgh" can be
pronounced both
-burra and -bra |
elaborate laboured |
elder leader |
elsewise otherwise |
email mail |

emigrant migrant immigrant |
endangered, in danger*
*Contraction |
Better not
to phrase "in danger" |
endow endue |
England* Netherlands
*Contraction |

inlander |

equality* quality
*Using Short Form
"equal" |
The Short form "equal" remains on the line See also
"inequality iniquity" below |
erroneous ruinous |
eruption irruption |
*Contraction |

"especial" and
"established" are the ones that may be misread,
when used as
adjectives |
eventually evidently |
evergreen overgrown |
evict evacuate vacate |
eviction evacuation vacation |
excess excise |
exercise exorcise exorcism |
expansion extension extenuation |
expansion = an
increase in size volume, scope
extension = stretching out to greater length
extenuation = making thinner, less
important or less serious See also "expand expend extend"
on DO-1-Vowel |
expenditure* expense expensive*
*Contractions |
experience exuberance |
explain expound |
eyes eyesight |
facility falsity falsehood |
faintish fiendish |
Extra care needed, as even when
vocalised, the outlines are almost identical. Non-theory
suggestion - use Halved Nd stroke and downward Ish
for "fiendish" |
faithful unthankful*
*Using Short Form |
family female |
farewell furlough |
fatal futile vital |
fatally futilely vitally |
"futilely" repeats the L
stroke |
fatality futility vitality |
fieriness firings furnace |
film volume |
final official |
financial* finished *Contraction |
fireman foreman |
fixed focussed |
fortunate opportune |

See also "unfortunate inopportune"
DO-6-Care-O-Z |
frail virile |
frantic phrenetic |
fresh afresh |
friendly frontal |
frozen freezing |

funeral funereal |
garnet granite |
gem diamond adamantine |
ghastly ghostly |
glass glaze |
god-like godly |
See also "god guide
guy" on
DO-1-Vowel |
gold* clay
*Short Form |
golden* glowing
*Using Short Form |
goodness guidance |
gradation graduation |
granted guaranteed |
growth girth |
habit hobby |
habitation habituation |
hasty hesitating |
heavenly slovenly |
heightened high-toned |
Downward Hay,
as a derivative of "high" |
heterogeneous hydrogenous |

higher hire |
Downward Hay,
as a derivative of "high" |
Holy Land |
See also "island Ireland"
below |
hill hole hollow |
hostel hotel |
hydraulic hydro-electric*
*Using Contraction |
hypertension hypotension |

hyper = above, excess
hypo = under, belowOpposite meanings |
icehouse oast-house |
illinium rhenium |
impatient impassioned impassion |
impotent impudent |
incessant unceasing |
incomer newcomer |
Not using the Short Form
"come" |
inconsiderate* unconsidered
*Contraction |
See also "considerate considered" |
inequality* iniquity
Short Form "equal" |
The Short Form
"equal" remains on the line See also "equality
quality" above |
unavoidable |
influence* voice
*Short Form |
inform* notify
*Contraction |
information* notion
*Short Forms |
ingenious ingenuous |
ingenious =
inventive ingenuous = sincere |
ingot nugget |
innovators inventors |

The singular forms
are easy to differentiate as only one has the hook, but the plurals need care to form
each circle correctly See also "innovation
invasion" |
insist necessitate |
insistent unsustained |
interconnection |
intelligent* indigent *Contraction |
interjection introjection |
interruption intrusion |
ion iron |
iridium radium rubidium |
island Ireland |
See also "Highland
Holy Land" above |
land mount/mound |
jailer jeweller |
January* June
*Contraction |
juror jury |
kneeled knelt |
know note |
Don't join "note" in phrases
See also "notes comments things" below |
knows influences*
Form |
lacerated ulcerated |
lady lad laddie |
late old later older |
"old" is written downwards |
latest oldest |
laundry launderette |
pronounced incorrectly as "laundri-et" |
lawyer liar |
learnt/learned learnèd |
leaven loaves |
lend/lent loaned |
library laboratory |
lightening lightning |
lightening = verb, emitting lightning bolts, or making
lighter in tone or colour lightning =
noun, electrical discharge from clouds |
lots masses |
loud rowdy |
love live loathe |
lovely lively lithely |
manual menial |
lowest least |
marauder martyr murder |
marshalcy marshalship |
Not using a lone Ish for "-ship"
in this case |
members* press
*Short Form |
meteorology metrology |
meteorology =
science of atmosphere metrology = science of measurement
All other metro- words use halved M, e.g. metric |
ministry* monastery
*Contraction |
minute month |
mistake |
mistaken mistook |
moral morale |
Mrs Messrs Misses |
Messrs is the
plural of Mr e.g. Messrs Green & Brown |
musical music-hall |
newer newest next*
*Short Form |
noisiness nuisance |
noisy uneasy |
notes comments things*
*Short Form |
See also "shortened shorthand, short note, short
comment" on
DO-6-Care-O-Z See also "know note" above |
*Using Short form
"under" |