On this page:
3000 Common Word Learners
Drill Books - Phrasing
Print Your Own Shorthand
Vowels Reminder Chart
Perpetual Calendar
Flying Fingers Poster
JPGs for Phone
Folded Booklets: Strokes, Vowels &
Short Forms
Keep Calm poster GIFs
Shorthand Christmas Card
Comparison chart: Benn
Pitman 1892 vs New Era

I have produced an original dictionary based on
an approximation of the 3,000 most common words and their derivatives,
with some additions to illustrate various joins or points of theory,
totalling over 11,300 outlines. This range covers approximately
85-90% of vocabulary required for non-technical English material.
3000 Common Word Learners Dictionary PDF 58 MB

The entire PDF of 118 pages prints
to 59 sheets of A4, double sided
The Strokes Vowels Reminder Chart on p3 of the PDF
is also available as a JPG below.
Links/Shorthand Books page for downloads from other sources of Instructor, Key and Shorthand Dictionaries
and Vocabulary
Shorthand Dictionaries page for descriptions of various printed
These are the based on the Phrasing pages in
Section 4 of this
site. Some of the less common ones are omitted, and extras added in.
The A4 pages can be used as is, or cut in half to make A5 pads.
Phrasing Book 1 PDF
0.9 MB (based on Phrasing2
Plain Joins and Hooks
Phrasing Book 2 PDF 1.4 MB (based on Phrasing 2 & 3
Circles, Halving, Doubling, Suffixes, R W L H Imp
Phrasing Book 3 PDF 1.4 MB (based on Phrasing 4 & 5
Phrasing Book 4 PDF 0.9 MB (based on Phrasing 6 & 7
Distinguishing Sets, Miscellaneous, Tick The, Apostrophied
Phrasing Book 5 PDF 0.9 MB (based on Phrasing 8

Pad - self-test page
Contains A4 lined pages in
black, grey, blue, red, green, with 8mm line spacing and margins;
speed self-test pages with numbered lines for calculating speed
achieved; stroke/vowels reminder list; cover pages; A5 ring binder
tab pages. The coloured lines pages
show up pencil outlines more clearly.
The pads need to be
very loosely bound with long treasury tags or smooth cord, so that the pages can turn easily.
They are therefore not suitable for important dictations, as the
pages under your hand do not sit as firmly or turn as smoothly as
they would in a normal spiral bound pad.
Margins are given on both
sides, as A4 paper is longer than the width of two spiral notepads.
Keep within margins for dictations in order to add notes on
corrections, but repetitive drills can use the entire width of page.
Print Your Own Shorthand Notepad - 20 pages - 3.2 MB
Vowels Reminder Chart
JPG 1.2 MB This is included in the Print Your Own PDF but this
JPG is higher resolution. Print at your chosen size and laminate, to
make a study aid bookmark.
Top of page
Also available on
Vocabulary Word Lists page, where their
contents are described:
All the blog articles are
available as zip files of MP3's on the Reading site
Shorthand Perpetual Calendar

Shorthand Perpetual Calendar PDF 3 MB
A4 page per month, with a brief shorthand passage
and text key, from past masters, and days of the month with blank
lines for your entries
The text of the 12 passages all on one page with word
A4 page each of Diary
vocabulary & Weather vocabulary
Notes on outlines, phrases and contractions used
Text lists of the vocabs/notes to facilitate searches
Spare lined page
Can be used every year as the calendar pages
contain no year number or weekday names, the outlines for these
are available in the diary vocab
The calendar quotes
are also repeated in the Reading site:
Top of page
Flying Fingers Poster
Poster for strokes revision
and self-encouragement:

2.6 MB & 2.2 MB jpgs
Desktop background seagulls, to advertise your skills:
1.6 MB
JPGs for Phone
The strokes, vowels and short forms jpgs are the same as in the
folded booklets below.
Strokes & Vowels JPGs ZIP 1 MB = 8 JPGs of all the
strokes and vowels
Short Forms JPGs ZIP
3.5 MB = 16 JPGs of all the short
120 Most Frequent Words JPGs ZIP 6 MB =
16 JPGs of the list in
frequency order (PDF is on
Lists page)
Shorthand practice JPGs for phone or screen.
Having them constantly before your eyes gets them
firmly established in your visual memory, the only effort expended
is glancing in their direction.
Safety first, shorthand second:
The perils of texting (or thoughts of shorthand)
whilst driving:
Top of page
Folded Booklets: Strokes,
Vowels & Short Forms
These are small booklets of all the
strokes, vowel and short forms 6.5x9.5cm/2½x4", to keep in your pocket or purse, to
enable you to read and practise in spare moments when you are away
from your study material.
There are also empty ruled pages, so that you can produce
your own pocket-sized reading material, copying out passages from
your shorthand books.
These can also be used for unobtrusive practice, going lightly over the
outlines with a hard pencil that makes virtually no mark.
Folded Booklets
Strokes, Vowels & Short Forms PDF 3 MB
The 120 Most Frequent Word List on the
Lists page is also presented as folded booklets.
Demonstration of making up the booklets on
my Youtube Channel:

Keep Calm Carry On Writing
Pitman's Shorthand - Poster and Bookmark
These go with the blog article of 17 Feb 2013
on the Reading website
Keep Calm Carry On Writing

Keep Calm Poster GIF 65 KB Keep
Calm Bookmark GIF 36 KB
Shorthand Christmas Card
These graphics go with the
blog article
"Shorthand Christmas Cards"
www.long-live-pitmans-shorthand-reading.org.uk/blog-pages/blog-2012-11.htm regarding
making your own cards with shorthand outlines on, to
publicise your new skill and intrigue those who have never seen
shorthand before. They are just a sample of what you might do with
your own photos and creative ideas. Click the thumbnails to
get the high resolution image:

Tree: Peace on Earth, Goodwill To All Mankind - BMP
1.6 MB
Snow: Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year - BMP 1.5 MB
Berries: Season's Greetings BMP - 919 KB

Christmas Card Wordings - GIF 53KB
This is in flat colour, so you can use Colour Replace easily.
More Christmas-related shorthand outlines can be gained from
the Christmas Carols, Christmas Story and Bible Reading Pages on
Comparison chart: Benn
Pitman 1892 vs New Era
(2.2 MB)
This 6-page document highlights the main differences
between the above-named two versions of Pitman's Shorthand, to help
those attempting to read shorthand from that time period. When
reading a historical document in shorthand, one might assume a
particular outline is the same as New Era, but sometimes it is a
completely different word. Strokes, vowels, hooks and other rules
were revised constantly, both in UK and USA (where Benn Pitman was
resident), so this chart is merely a convenient basic reference and
starting point for a careful and thoughtful transcription of the
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