resource for Pitman's New Era Shorthand
My aim with
this website is to provide existing Pitman's writers with material to progress beyond
the basics instruction book, in order to achieve high speed
and write with accuracy, reliability and legibility.
The Theory pages consist of detailed explanations with very many examples,
and are aimed at revision and improvement for existing writers and
teachers rather than beginners to learn from, as they are not graded as instruction books
are. Beginners are directed to the Lessons website.
New Era is the
current and fastest version of Pitman's Shorthand. It dates from
1922 and was preceded by Centenary and Twentieth Century editions,
which are now considered historical. It was followed in 1970 by
Pitman 2000 which was a slightly more simplified and slower version
for office workers. Pitman 2000 writers may benefit from the
Dictation MP3s and the Contractions, Phrasing and Distinguishing
Outlines pages, where they may find outlines that are speedier or
more convenient than some of their existing ones.
A shorthand
dictionary is essential for learning and improvement. There are
also many thousands of outlines available on this site and the
reading site, and the
Search Box gives a good chance of finding the one you are looking for, as
all outlines have their text equivalent underneath them.
